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What I Learned from and experienced during a social media retreat

Writer's picture: Solomon BerezinSolomon Berezin

At the end of each month I review my wins and areas of improvement, and I set some areas of focus and intentions for the upcoming month. One of them for the month of August was to take a social media retreat and see what it could free up for me. Below are some lessons I learned from taking 31 days off along with wonderful experiences I welcomed during that time, that had I not taken the time off I might not have done as quickly or effortlessly:

Freeing Mental Energy

I never thought I was hooked to social media, because I didn't get on more than 1 hour a day. However, I was shocked at how I still had a tendency to want to go on social media during mundane moments, like being a passenger in the car or waiting for someone for a meeting. By setting up a retreat I was able to reset my thoughts and feelings around social media. Simply having "getting on social media"as a possibility created some thoughts around it. I know it may seem small, but, if you believe thoughts control focus, then some thoughts like "hmm I could get on social and look at what this guy's learning" can actually demand your attention.


As it may be inferred from above, by freeing up mental energy I also increased my productivity and ability to narrow my focus on whatever the day's focus was. I was able to bring a fresh mind to what I was learning and ideas I'm working on executing without any thought of getting on social media, which pulls attention to many other headlines.

Having 1 main device for 1 social platform

Rather than having Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, YouTube, etc. readily accessible on my phone and computer, I realized that I can limit my screen time on them by making , for example, my computer the only device I use Facebook on. The Facebook app will still be on my phone, in case for some odd reason I'd like to get on it, but the notifications will be turned off and my computer will be for engaging on there. I have been a Mindvalley ambassador for one of their online course, which includes a Facebook group for students to engage on, and would receive many notifications. So this approach will really help. Also, other strategies I have been using , that I discuss on my podcast episode with Kami Huyse (coming out September 10) is clarifying my purpose for getting on and setting up a timer for how long I spend. I use Be Focused app's Pomodoro technique for this and learning to track how much time I spend on my various activities.

Hack away unessential

It's common, for me at least, to want to do more, see more, read more, help more. Last month, I experienced first hand the freedom of letting go of many unessential things. There was a calmer approach to the day that led to an increased awareness of things that didn't support me, as well as an increasing amount of inspired ideas and exciting opportunities that guided me. If you're feeling bogged down by many things, try taking out a piece of paper and writing all the things you're placing your attention on. Then, "hack away the unessential."

I graduated from ITN

On August 8, 2019, 1 month earlier than I set out to finish, I finished my nutrition certification. What I loved the most about the course was how it partnered in my own transformation and I truly learned each lesson at the time I was ready. As I told one of the success coaches on IG Live, what I mean by this is when I started a lesson in science or psychology, and especially spirituality, I had been learning about those topics in my own life. I started my own spiritual journey around the end of August 2018, and as the old saying goes, the most difficult part of something is right before it ends, I learned the spirituality lessons just at the right time to support me in inhibiting negative chatter and worries in me. I am confident in that I am a more radiant, empowered, present man.

Freeing up time from social media enabled me to finish my final 3 lessons much quicker and effectively than if I were still on social.

Hawaii Trip Manifesting

Around March or April of this year, one of my roommates in Dallas invited me to his upcoming wedding in September. I had no idea how I would be able to make it but with the many months ahead I decided I would make it an intention. In Chapter 3 of Becoming Supernatural by Joe Dispenza, Dispenza presents the idea of tuning into new potentials in the quantum. In the chapter, he demonstrates how his son chose a clear intention of a job he wanted to create in his life and paired it with the elevated emotions he'd feel when it found him. Then every day in his meditations, he would embody being in a new job until it found him. A few months later of living in that potential, he attracted the opportunity to him. What a magical, exuberant experience. To really dive into understanding this, I highly suggest learning about Joe Dispenza via his books, or online on Youtube or podcasts.

I decided to use the same formula for a trip to Hawaii. In my morning meditations, I would embody being in Hawaii, flying there, snorkeling in the ocean, stargazing, and more experiences (I'll share later). Also, I clarified the intentions and the emotions I would feel when it came (see picture). I knew from studying and applying Joe Dispenza's teachings, that what I need to do is marry my intention with an elevated emotion and live in that throughout the day. I did not know where the trip would come from, but I knew it was here and by opening my awareness, I was open to seeing many other ways for how it would manifest.

This whole approach is heavily process oriented because it requires being present and conscious moment by moment. Who knew my free trip to Hawaii would start on my flight to Kansas City at the end of April. The night before my flight I selected that I would be open to moving my flight if the airline needed open seats and I'd do it for around a $250 voucher. I was booked on a flight at 3:00 pm and while waiting at the gate, I overheard my name by the counter asking if I'd change my flight.

"Sure!" I happily said because it was only 2 hours later, "will I get $250 for this?"

The flight attendant at the gate desk responded, "actually we really need more seats, so you'd get $500." That's a done deal I undoubtedly took! I knew this would play into my trip to Hawaii.

Months went by earning a little money here and there and creating other intentions, while occasionally looking for flights to Hawaii in the $500 -$600 range. During this time, I did not solely create in my mind being in Hawaii as I had (have) many other intentions that all manifest in the same higher frequency of elevated emotions. I played with the idea of what I'd like to do in Hawaii along with the wedding of my roommate. As time got closer, I felt like I'd need to get my ticket soon and I knew I could get a great deal. I called up a great family friend of mine, excellent at booking good flight deals, to help me keep a look out for one.

On August 5th I wrote the intention (in picture above) because I knew I wanted to get the ticket within that week. Then BOOM! -- the next day my friend texted me "call me now! there's a flight you gotta get." As soon as I saw the message, I did. We called the agent, gave her my voucher number, and bought the flight!

As I mentioned above, I learned how to be open to seeing many ways the trip would come. I tuned into getting invited on a free trip and I continue to see this happening, but with this approach I am open to other ways of getting a free trip as well. Since I have yet to go to Hawaii, I continue to welcome unexpected surprises to support my travels, like my uncle offering to support my hotel expenses 2 weeks ago, dog-walking offers to pay for adventures, support with booking activities, and many more. I am super excited to experience the tropical island.

Stay tuned for more details and insights as my trip to Hawaii will become my second travel blog. Click here, no not here, there to read the first one about Germany -----> travel blog

Able to come back with a fresh start

My awareness, energy, consciousness, productivity, and opportunities all increased during 31 days off of social media. Now with a fresh mind, broken habits and limiting thoughts around it, I can come back with a clearer focus and open attitude.

Not interested in a social media retreat? Experiment with something else to retreat from and see what you can learn.



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