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Writer's pictureSolomon Berezin

LEssons from Papa Boris

Week of 1/21/19-1/27/19

There are 3 types of People

1. Those who are always there to help you

2. Those who abandon you during times of help

3. Those who led you wrongly

You begin to understand the:

1. Value

2. Meaning

3. Consequences

Over the past week my father taught me two very valuable lessons that resonated with me. The cost was having my car break down and my dad head to Dallas without hesitation. He left Houston before I asked others for support.

Once I started to grow up and learn about silence, I have shut my mouth and have tried to decipher the lesson he is intending to convey – which can be verydifficult as his delivery is a result of his experiences.

Nonetheless, he has offered several thought-provoking lessons last week I thought I’d share. Especially since he demonstrated them this past week. According to my father’s 3 types of people (so many people have so many types of people, I’m starting to think there are several types of people), my father truly has always been there to help. Whether it was rebounding for me during my basketball routines, moving into dorms, or coming to fix the car, there was proof of this recognition. His other 2 types of people had me consider who in my life might be the others and why they might be that way – consciously or unconsciously.

The other lesson came as my father was explaining to me that I am now at the age to really understand the value, meaning, and consequences of things. All 3 are necessary in order to really cultivate a comprehension. What is the value of what you’re doing? What is the meaning behind something you’re doing? And what can happen if I do this or that?

I consider these 3 concepts when making a decision and it helps shape perspective and making the best decision.

Thanks Pops!

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